Zoom and internet safety resources
How to use the internet safely and resolve any problems and guides to using Zoom. Includes training materials for DDPO members and clients
‘Using the internet safely’ – a guide for young Disabled people
This guide shows young Disabled people how they can use the internet safely. We explain the difficulties that can arise but, more importantly, how to avoid them and how to resolve any problems. Download (PDF).
Resources to support young Disabled people to deliver training on ‘Using the internet safely’ for their peers
During the Covid-19 pandemic we supported our Peer Support Group facilitators to train young Disabled people on how to use the internet safely. DPOs can get copies of ‘Using the internet safely’ training materials (PowerPoints and training notes) by contacting us.
Easy read Zoom resources
During the Covid-19 pandemic we transferred service delivery from face-to-face to online / digital delivery. The priority was to ensure we could continue to engage with the young Disabled people who had been using Making it Work employment support. So we produced some easy read Zoom guides. Using Zoom we focused on developing peer support opportunities, supporting wellbeing and empowerment work.
Part one
How to join a Zoom meeting with a laptop or computer
Download (PDF)
Part two
How to join a Zoom meeting with a phone or a tablet
Download (PDF)
Part three
How to create a poll
Download (PDF)
Part four
How to create breakout rooms
Download (PDF)