Contact us
You can contact us using the methods below or you can use our contact form.
Please contact us using one of the following:
Phone: 020 7237 3181
Text: 0771 839 4687
General queries:
For media queries: or on 07561 064 227
For training and consultancy:
Please note Inclusion London does NOT run a helpline, provide individual advice or take on individual legal cases. Our role is to support Deaf and Disabled people’s organisations (DDPOs) in London and to campaign for the rights of Deaf and Disabled people across the UK. If you need advice or support:
- Please refer to Legal advice for individuals – Inclusion London page on our website for further information.
- Your local DDPO may be able to help or sign post you to other agencies. List of DDPOs in London can be found here: DDPO directory – Inclusion London
- Guides to challenge Disability discrimination can be found here: Home – Disability Justice