Employment support resources

Ways of supporting young Disabled people into work, including our Follow-On personalised support service, online employer sessions and Supported Pathways into the creative industries

Follow-On Support Service for Disabled Job Seekers

In January 2021 we launched the Making it Work Follow-On service, in partnership with DDPOs Action on Disability (AoD) and Disability Advice Service Lambeth (DASL).  This is a personalised employment support service for young Disabled people who are at every stage of finding and staying in paid work. Download (PDF).

Finding new pathways into the Creative Industries

During the Covid-19 pandemic we also explored how we could engage in more flexible ways with employers. For example, we set up some online sessions for young Disabled people (mostly 18–30 yrs old) to find out what goes on in various creative industries, the wide range of jobs in these settings and how these organisations recruit their staff. We also explored how our clients could get experience that would be valuable when applying for jobs in these types of organisations. Download (PDF).

Getting Ready for the World of Work – Supported Pathways into the Creative Industries 2019–2020

This Supported Pathways handbook was produced for students on this training programme which began in September 2019. We also used it to raise the profile of the programme among other creative industry employers who may be interested in hosting similar schemes. Our first cohort of employer partners included The National Theatre, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Royal Opera House, British Film Institute, The Roundhouse and the Natural History Museum. We also worked with the DDPO Disability Advice Service Lambeth (DASL) and Lewisham College.

Sadly this Supported Pathways programme ended abruptly in April 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our host employers had to close their premises and we had to find alternative ways to engage with the students. So we focused on developing peer support opportunities, supporting wellbeing and empowerment work. Download (PDF).

Supported Internships: A guide for employers

Action on Disability (AoD) is a London-based DDPO which has successfully set up and run various Supported Internships (SIs). The model is similar to a year-long college course but it is based in a workplace. It supports young people with learning difficulties to learn new skills on the job, to understand workplace culture and to find out what support they need at work and how to ask for it. We produced this guide for employers who host SIs in partnership with DDPOs. Download (PDF) or (Word).

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