Wellbeing resources
Ways for Disabled people to engage with activities, build their confidence and self-esteem and feel empowered. Includes training materials for DDPO members and clients
‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’: a training resource for Disabled People’s Organisations’ members and clients
When Covid-19 restrictions were lifted, many young Disabled people who had previously been seeking paid work needed support to re-engage with activities and build up their confidence and self-esteem. We have produced a resource about the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ for DPOs to use with their members and clients. DPOs can also get copies of the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ training materials (PowerPoints, including training notes) by contacting us. Download (PDF).
‘Supported Pathways’ resources for students
During the Covid-19 pandemic we also produced a resource to support young Disabled people to keep motivated and connected. It is still useful for empowerment work. Download (PDF).