Briefing for DDPOs on the Renter’s Reform Bill

Briefing for Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DDPOs) on the Renters Reform Bill

Front cover of the briefing. Inclusion London and Disability Rights UK logo. Disability Rights UK and Inclusion London Briefing for DDPOs on: The Renters Reform Bill. August 2023

A new law, called the Renters Reform Bill, described as the biggest shake up to housing in 30 years, has been introduced into parliament on 17th May with the objective of transforming private renting for good. The proposed law, which is currently going through Parliament, is likely to impact the lives of millions of Disabled private renters.

The purpose of this briefing is to give DDPOs an understanding of key parts of this bill which would impact Disabled people. It is structured so that you can choose to only read the sections that interest you the most. If you are only seeking to understand or learn more about certain parts of the bill you can navigate that using our contents page.

This briefing will give you an overview of:

  • How the way landlords can evict tenants will change.
  • How the proposed Property Portal and Ombudsman could benefit Disabled Tenants.
  • What the bill does not cover.
  • What happens as the bill passes through parliament and how we can influence it.
  • How DDPOs can get involved to influence the bill.We will be hosting a discussion on the Renters Reform Bill with DDPO’s on 9th August 2023. You can find more information about this here: Renters Reform Bill session 9 August 11am – 1pm

Download the briefing

The full report is available to download as a Word document here:

Renters Reform Bill Briefing (Word)

Renters Reform Bill Briefing (PDF)


Easy Read versions

We also have Easy Read versions of the briefing. These can be downloaded in four parts:
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4 |