48.3% of all Disabled London residents of working age are in employment compared to 74% of the non-disabled population.
Impact of reducing ESA for new claimants in the WRAG – our evidence to Parliamentary Review
Reducing the payments for new claimants in the Employment and Support Allowance Work Related Activity Group (ESA-WRAG) from £102.15 a week to £73.10 is likely to increase the number of Deaf and Disabled people living in poverty and struggling to pay basic household bills.
Stop Changes 2 ATW -update
26th Sept 2015 – what a day to remember. It will go down as one of those historic occasions (we so seldom have these days in the Deaf community) where Deaf and Disabled people marched on a Saturday afternoon in the streets of London to voice their protest against what DWP/Access to Work and the Government are doing to us and our employment opportunities.
Inclusion London’s evidence to the Work and Pensions Select Committee’s Inquiry into Welfare to Work
Inclusion London responded to the Work and Pensions Select Committee’s Inquiry into Welfare to Work. The full response is available to download below. The key points of our response are summarised below: Summary The Work Programme’s/Work Choice’s payment by results and prime provider contracts is failing Deaf and Disabled people. Local user led Deaf and […]
Inclusion London and StopChanges2ATW respond to Access to Work inquiry
Inclusion London’s response highlights the difficulties Disabled people have experienced with Access to Work for instance: Deaf people are reporting cases where the AtW funding for the Registered British Sign Language Interpreters (RBSLI) has been stopped without the Deaf person’s knowledge, consequently they have continued to employ the RBSLI incurring large debts, sometimes running to thousands of pounds.
Inclusion London’s response to the Select Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into the Employment Support Allowance and the Work Capability Assessment
Inclusion London’s position regarding WCA 2.1) Inclusion London agrees with British Medical Association which said that the WCA should be ended, ‘with immediate effect and be replaced with a rigorous and safe system that does not cause unavoidable harm…..’[1]. 2.2) Inclusion London also agrees with Dame Anne Begg that, “There is something fundamentally wrong with […]