Inclusion London’s evidence for the 4th Review of Work Capability Assessment
The cases in Inclusion London’s evidence illustrate vividly that the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is not fit for purpose.
The cases in Inclusion London’s evidence illustrate vividly that the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) is not fit for purpose. There appears to be culture of callous, disrespect towards claimants amongst WCA staff: documents are repeatedly lost and both medical evidence and the opinions of GPs are ignored. Disabled people are thrown into debt and poverty, struggling to survive when benefits are cut or reduced.Inclusion London agrees with Dame Anne Begg that “There is something fundamentally wrong with the system and the contract that Atos is delivering”.
Deaf and disabled people’s organisations and other community groups are stretched to breaking point to provide disabled people with the support needed to go through the WCA process, which is so stressful that most would not be able cope without support. It is highly likely that some disabled people are not receiving the support needed and are left with little or no income due to cuts in their benefit, having fallen out of the system.
British Medical Association which said that the WCA should be ended,
“with immediate effect and be replaced with a rigorous and safe system that does not cause unavoidable harm to some of the weakest and vulnerable in society”.
Barring that taking place, Inclusion London urges Dr Paul Litchfield to address the considerable concerns that continue with the Work Capability Assessment through the fourth review.
Inclusion London’s full response is available to download below: