48.3% of all Disabled London residents of working age are in employment compared to 74% of the non-disabled population.
Shake up of working culture and practices recommended to reduce pay gaps
All jobs should be advertised as available for flexible working, and greater support should be given to fathers to play more of a role in child care, in a shake-up of culture and working practices to reduce pay gaps, the Equality and Human Rights Commission said today.
Employment Support Allowance – Work Related Activity Group (ESA-WRAG) Cut Briefing
The Welfare Reform and Work Act removed the Work Related Activity Component in Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and the limited capability for work element of Universal Credit. Claimants in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG) will lose around £30 per week as the benefit is brought into alignment with Job Seekers’ Allowance rates from 1st April this year.
Improving Lives: The Work, Health and Disability Green Paper – Inclusion London’s response
Inclusion London has responded to the open consultation for the Work, Health and Disability Green Paper. We have a number of concerns that proposals in the green paper are either misplaced and will fail to tackle the root issues central to Deaf and Disabled people’s exclusion from employment opportunities, or have the potential for adverse impacts through contributing to avoidable harm.
Benefit sanctions inquiry – Inclusion London’s evidence
Based on the experiences of Deaf and Disabled people we believe that sanctions are destructive and they drive Deaf and Disabled people further away from being able to find employment. We recommend that Deaf and Disabled people are no longer sanctioned.