Report on options for Hate Crime Advocacy Qualifications
Options for hate crime advocacy qualifications is an important consideration in improving services for Disabled victims of hate crime.

Hate crime advocacy is not currently formally recognised. This impacts the effectiveness and credibility of advocates supporting Disabled victims. This report details the options that could improve this emerging sector of advocacy, and help improve advocates’ position of authority within the criminal justice system.
This report is part of our ongoing campaign to improve services for Disabled victims of hate crime. We would like to see hate crime advocacy formally recognised in a similar way to how Domestic Violence Independent Advocates have become recognised. This means continuing to campaign for legislative changes to hate crime and victim’s law, and more resources to develop a formal career path with a recognised qualification.
Organisations wanting to develop training and qualifications for hate crime advocacy can use this report to explore their options.
Download Full Report
Report on Advocacy Hate Crime Options (Word)
Report on Advocacy Hate Crime Options (PDF)
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