You might not want to use our letter.
That is okay. You do not have to.
You can write your own letter using Action Network.
We will show you how and give you some ideas.
Before you go to The Action Network, think about what you want to write.
We want MPs to know how rising energy costs are making life hard for Disabled people.
We want the Government to know that they are not doing enough.
You can talk about how energy costs mean you are having problems. Or how you have had to make changes.
Some people cannot afford to use their heating anymore. Now they are getting ill.
This is one idea.
Some people cannot go out in their electric wheelchairs or scooters as much. This is because they cannot afford to charge them.
This is another idea.
Some people cannot afford to have hot baths anymore. So then they are in pain.
Some people cannot buy enough food, so they are very hungry. They are spending all their money on energy.
These are some ideas.
You can think about how the rising energy cost is changing your life.
You can write about that.
When you have some ideas, you can write your letter.
Go to Inclusion London’s Action Network page.
You will see the information from our website in Plain English.
You will see how many letters have been sent.
You will also see a small form.
It asks you for some information.
Action Network uses this information to find your MP and send your letter.
Write in your answers in the form.
You will need to write in your:
First Name
Last Name
Below that are two questions about subscribing. Here, this means whether you want us to send you e-mails.
One question asks if you want Inclusion London to send you updates about Action Network letters.
You can choose Yes or No.
The second question asks if you want Julia Modern from Inclusion London’s Housing project to send you updates.
You can choose Yes or No.
There is information about how you can stop e-mails in the future.
You will need to find Unsubscribe in e-mails you are sent. When you press that, you can ask for no more e-mails.
There is also a privacy statement. This is telling you that Inclusion London will have your name, e-mail and your address.
Inclusion London will not sell this information or swap it with other people.
Then you press the orange button that says ‘Start Writing’
On the next page, you will see a Plain English copy of our letter.
To write your own letter, you need to delete our letter.
On your computer or laptop, you can use your mouse.
For most computers and laptops, you will use the right button.
Click the right button on your mouse or mouse pad on the letter. A menu will come up.
Choose Select All
All the letter should become covered in blue blocks.
Now you can press Delete on your keyboard.
The writing should be deleted.
If you have a left-handed mouse or mousepad, the button will be on the left side.
On your phone or tablet, you will use your finger.
Press at the beginning of our letter.
Hold your finger down and pull down to the bottom of the letter.
Then press the Delete button on your phone or tablet.
All our writing should be deleted.
You can write your own letter in.
At the bottom, under the letter, is another orange button.
It says Send Letter. Press this and Action Network will send your letter.
Our Easy Read webpages are new. We are still testing them.
Some things will change as we make them better.