Write to the political parties and candidates
We need to secure bold commitments from electoral candidates and political parties ahead of the elections.

Take action and write to your electoral candidate today
To make a real impact, we recommend taking action now. Send an email at the very least to all the main political parties and electoral candidates (see template below)
Call on the Mayoral candidates
You can make a difference by using our simple-to-use letter template to amplify our voices and help us be heard. Ask the candidates to attend our hustings in April (details to be confirmed) so they can answer questions directly from you.
To write to the mayoral candidates click on the link www.write-to-mayoral-candidate
Who are the candidates
To find the list of candidates running for election in your area and their contact details, please click on the provided link Who Can I Vote For?
Template letter to send to Mayoral and Electoral Candidates
Dear [Candidate Name],
I’m contacting you to share our London Mayoral Elections Manifesto, which you can read here, outlining five key commitments that, as a Mayoral candidate, we would like you to endorse and actively pursue to enable Deaf and Disabled Londoners to thrive in the capital. Our manifesto also contains practical recommendations that can be implemented to make our asks a reality.
Our community has been one of the hardest hit by austerity, the COVID pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis. We are disproportionately living in poverty, achieving poorer outcomes in education and far more likely to be unemployed or earn less. Public transport, technology, housing, street space, cultural and sports venues and activities remain inaccessible for many of us.
By acting on our asks, London can become a city inclusive of all Deaf and Disabled Londoners. This means that they can live, work, and study safely and independently and have access to affordable and accessible housing. Our goal is for all Disabled Londoners to have a decent standard of living without having to rely on food banks. Moreover, they should be able to trust the police and receive adequate support when experiencing disability hate crimes. Although this is not the reality we currently live in, it is achievable.
As London Mayoral elections are approaching, we would welcome the opportunity to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss our manifesto and answer any questions you might have.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Your Organisation Name]
Link to Manifesto – London Mayoral Election Manifesto 2024 – Inclusion London
Ask candidates to commit to a pledge
- I will promote disability equality and inclusion in London and champion Disabled people’s rights to independent living
- I’ll make public transport more affordable and accessible for all Disabled Londoners and will remove disabling barriers to walking, wheeling and cycling
- I’ll construct a record number of high-quality, accessible council homes in London
- I’ll make London the best place for Disabled people to work and study
- I’ll lift Disabled Londoners out of poverty and support them all through the cost-of-living crisis
- I will tackle disability hate crime and make London a safer place for all Disabled people prevent disability hate crime