NCVO discussion paper – Inclusion London’s comments
Inclusion London’s comments on the Nation Voluntary NCVO’s discussion paper on ‘Volunteering in public services: How is the relationship between volunteers and paid staff changing in public services’
Download our comments: Inclusion London Comment on NVCO discussion document volunteering & public services
Inclusion London’s main comment is Disabled people are finding that social care and support is being curtailed so support to go outside the home to access activities in the community or to visit friends and family/maintain a social life is being cut and replaced by the use of volunteers/charitable organisations against the wishes of Disabled people. The use of befriending services or charitable services can lead to isolation.
We believe this is an inappropriate use of volunteers and the free services provided by charities and voluntary groups as Disabled people’s choice and control over the activities is curtailed as is their social life because in some areas only free activities and befriending/charitable services can be accessed.
Inclusion London’s concern is that local authorities are increasingly looking inappropriately to volunteers and charitable services rather than providing social care and support to enable full inclusion and participation in the community so segregation and isolation is prevented.
Download our comments: Inclusion London Comment on NVCO discussion document volunteering & public services