Inquiry into housing for Disabled people by EHRC

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) launched an inquiry into housing for Disabled people on 14 December. The EHRC will be issuing a call for evidence early in 2017.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) launched an inquiry into housing for Disabled people on 14 December.  The EHRC will be issuing a call for evidence early in 2017.

Housing Inquiry Terms of Reference

The inquiry will examine the extent to which the right of Disabled people to independent living is supported by the provision of accessible and adaptable housing and tenancy support services.

The inquiry will cover England, Scotland and Wales and in each nation will:

  1. Explore the recent experiences of disabled people (from 2014 onwards) in relation to

i) how the provision of accessible and adaptable housing and tenancy support services has enabled them to fulfil their right to independent living;

ii) the consequences of not having accessible or adaptable housing or tenancy support services on their right to independent living.

  1. a). Examine the existing evidence as to the extent of any shortfall in the availability of accessible and adaptable housing, and in the availability of tenancy support services.
  1. b). Examine systems local authorities and other social housing providers have in place in relation to disabled people who are being allocated a property

i) to assess the person’s needs for an accessible and/or adaptable property

ii) to identify a property to match that person’s needs.


For the full details of the areas the inquiry covers please refer to the inquiry’s terms of reference, which are available at:

An Easy Read and BSL versions of the terms of reference are also available at the link above.

By tenancy support services the EHRC means support to manage or sustain a tenancy for example support with managing

  • rent arrears
  • benefits
  • domestic budgeting including debt counselling
  • repair issues
  • neighbour disputes


More information about the inquiry is available at:

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