
Text for your infographic


Your infographic:


Block 1:

Why [DDPO] matters


Block 2:

We’re different from other disability organisations because we’re user-led.

As a Deaf and Disabled people led organisation we make sure our services and support are designed by the people we serve.


Block 3:

[DDPO] has been working with the Deaf and Disabled community in [Borough] for

[XX] years.


Block 4:

How much money do we bring in?

In 2015, our turnover was just under


part of the

£24 million

yearly income of London’s Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations


[Chart – Bar Chart]

This has grown over the last 3 years


2013   – 21789128

2014   – 23073613

2015   – 24301597


Block 5:

Many DDPOs have experience of delivering contracts for public services – contracts make up 30% of DDPO income

[Chart – Pie Chart]


Grants           63%

Contracts     27%

Trade             10%


Block 6:

Contracts make up [XX]% of [DDPO]’s income

[Pie Chart]

(Delete the value if it’s 0%)


Block 7:

As a DDPO we fully involve Deaf and Disabled people as employees at all levels, and as board members and volunteers

[Icon Chart]

Title: XX% of [DDPO]’s employees in 2015 were Disabled


Disabled                   XX%

Non-disabled          XX%


Block 8:

This makes a big difference to employment for Disabled people in London.

[Horizontal Bar Chart]

TITLE: The employment gap for Disabled Londoners


Disabled Londoners         Non-disabled Londoners

In employment                  48                                            74

Not in employment          52                                            26



Block 9:

Who do we support?

London DDPOs support over


Deaf and Disabled service users


[DDPO] supports over


Deaf and Disabled service users


[Horizontal Bar Chart]

TITLE: Most of the people using DDPO services are Disabled, and the remainder are carers


Service users

Disabled service users     76287

Carers                                    4089



Block 10:

[DDPO] offers a variety of services

[Icons and service names]


Block 11:

Being user-led means that DDPOs offer so much more than services for Deaf and Disabled people.

DDPOs have always been at the forefront of advancing and promoting Deaf and Disabled people’s equality and inclusion and we will continue to be fearless champions of our community’s needs, wishes and aspirations and as well as incubators of innovative cutting edge services


Optional extras (if there’s time):

  1. Add in icon matrix charts for your number of volunteers and trustees (Disabled and non-disabled). Put this underneath the numbers for Employment.
  2. Change the colours, fonts etc to match your brand or logo.