Universal Credit inquiry – Inclusion London responds
Inclusion London has responded to the Commons Select Committee’s inquiry into progress towards implementation of Universal Credit.
August 2012
Inclusion London raised concerns that many disabled people will be financially worse off under Universal Credit (UC), resulting in more poverty amongst disabled people.
The key recommendation made by Inclusion London was that the government should monitor the impact of Universal Credit on disabled people’s independence, inclusion in the community, choice of place of residence and standard of living.
Inclusion London’s other recommendations and concerns include the following:
- Contribution-related Employment and Support Allowance (cESA) is not limited to 365 days, but a reasonable adjustment is made and the limit is extended to two years for disabled people.
- Disabled people are not penalised by a loss of benefit if they are unable to take part in a work placement because of exhaustion, pain or other difficulties caused by their impairment.
- The cumulative financial impact of UC on disabled people is monitored by the government.
- The financial impact of all welfare benefit reforms and austerity measures on disabled people is monitored.
- Government also monitors whether disabled people’s human rights under article 19 and article 28 have been contravened due to welfare benefit reforms and local and national austerity measures.
- Many disabled people will financially worse off under Universal Credit (UC), such as lone parents with a disabled child, resulting in more poverty amongst disabled people.
- Limits on Housing Benefit payments and the number of bedrooms will cause isolation and loss of independence of disabled people, particularly those living in London.
- Localisation of Council Tax Benefit is likely to result in Local Authorities (LAs) making a smaller contribution so disabled people will be worse off.
- DWP will not provide sufficient staff to give one to one support with applications and payments or other queries resulting from the computer system and the transition to monthly payments
Read Inclusion full response below:
Information about the inquiry is available at: