Adult social care for NICE- our evidence

Inclusion London responded to the NICE call for evidence on adult social care.

Our evidence highlighted that due to inadequate levels of social care and support Disabled people are becoming isolated at home, unable to participate in the community and that  Disabled people’s rights contained in Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are being largely disregarded. Poor levels of social care and support are the result of huge reductions in adult social care budgets following funding cuts from central government.  Increased funding from central government is needed to improve the quality of care and to enable local authorities to fulfil  their Wellbeing duties under the Care Act 2014.

We also emphasised the need for Disabled people to have choice and control regarding their care and to be able to train their carers/PA’s to provide support which matches their needs. And we raised the need for advocacy to enable Disabled people to give service user feedback.

You can download our response below.

Adult Social care Consultation- Inclusion London’s response