2-Consultation on communication support service provision for people who are Deaf/deaf or Deafblind

Inclusion London’s response to the market review


Deaf people would like their rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities acted on so they have equal access to services and information. Currently these rights are being denied across many services as a result of lacking or inadequate communication service provision. Uniform and consistent provision of communication support provision across sectors and regions is needed. Technology has the potential to offer solutions but this cannot replace the need for 1:1 interpreting. In all cases Deaf people need access to information about what communications support is available and how to access it. Understanding the high level of skills and experience needed for interpreting, as well as the importance of choice and control, is paramount for shaping a communication support market that meets the needs of Deaf people and enables their participation as equal citizens.

Download the full response:

Inclusion London’s evidence Market review of Communications Deaf Deafblind people