Force the government to act on the UN’s recommendations

As a result of being investigated by a United Nations committee, the government have been found guilty of grave & systematic violations of the rights of disabled people due to welfare & social care reform. The government has rejected the findings and refuses to act on the report’s 11 recommendations.

Screengrab of the Parliament Petitions site, which says Petition: Force the government to act on the eleven recommendations of the UNCRPD

Force the government to act on the eleven recommendations of the UNCRPD report

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As a result of being investigated by a United Nations committee for not fulfilling the terms of the UNCRPD, the government have been found guilty of grave & systematic violations of the rights of disabled people as a direct result of austerity policies introduced into welfare & social care.

A UN report says a range of measures including controversial cuts to disability benefits, social care budgets & the introduction of the bedroom tax, have disproportionately & adversely affected the rights of disabled people to live independently, to work & achieve an adequate standard of living.

It makes 11 recommendations, including calling on the government to carry out a study of the cumulative impact of all spending cuts on the disabled & to ensure human rights of disabled people are upheld.

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