PowerUp Together: Movement building event

Bringing together Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations and disabled activists to rebuild and nurture our identity as the London disability justice movement.


Date: Thursday, 3 October 2024
Time: 11:00am to 4:00 pm
Coin Street Community Builders, 108 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH

About the event

Austerity, Covid and homeworking mean London’s DDPOs and disabled activists haven’t gathered as a whole, face-to-face, for a very long time.

Inclusion London will therefore host three face-to-face PowerUp Together movement-building events each year for the next four years.

You can expect to:

  • Make supportive links with Disabled people and disability justice organisations new to you, whose focus and membership are different but with whom you have common cause.
  • Rebuild and nurture our identity and our collective resilience as the London disability justice movement, in a safe and accessible space.
  • Envision the future of the London disability justice movement and share the skills to build it.
  • Share learning, successes and top tips.
  • Say what you want from future movement-building events.
  • Have a nice lunch!

Please note; This is an in person event only.

Who is the event for?

Staff, trustees and users of London-based Deaf and Disabled Peoples Organisations (DDPOs) and disabled activists. Booking is restricted to 2 people per DDPO.

What do we mean by Disabled activists?

This event is open to anyone who identifies as d/Deaf or Disabled, and who engages in activism. This could look like going to marches and protests, writing letters to MPs, creating protest art or campaigning online.

We encourage you to join us even if you’re not sure if you count as an activist, or if you’re new to campaigning.

What is a DDPO?

Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DDPOs) are organisations that are run and controlled by Deaf/Disabled people, with Deaf/Disabled people representing at least 75% of Trustees and over 50% of paid staff. This is an event for DDPOs and disabled activists.


To book a place, please click on the ‘Book your free ticket’ button above. We will then confirm your booking and email you details of the venue.

We have 55 spaces and want as many different sorts of DDPO and fellow activists as possible, so we offer two places per organisation. Please think in your organisation or group who you want to send from staff, trustees and users. If there are spare places, we’ll let you know nearer the event.


After the event, you will be given a link to a feedback form. Your feedback is required so that we can monitor and develop our training and support, and report to our funders.


Please inform us of any access requirements as soon as you can before the event. The event will be BSL interpreted and live captioned. The venue has step-free and wheelchair access. There is an accessible toilet. Food and drink will be served buffet-style and you are welcome to eat inside or on the outdoor terrace. You are welcome to wear a mask, but it is not mandatory. There is no HEPA filter at this event, but we are looking into it for future events. We can open the doors to the outdoor terrace and put on the heating to improve air flow at the event.

This event is brought to you via funding from the National Lottery.

Lottery Community Fund logo


Bookings are no longer available for this event.