Hate Crime Campaigns & Policy

On behalf of the London DDPO Hate Crime Partnership, Inclusion London submits responses and submissions on key issues affecting Disabled victims of hate crime.

This work may also extend to include Disabled victims of crime generally due to the significant barriers and inequalities experienced by Disabled victims when trying to get justice outcomes.

The campaign and policy work supports the overall aim of the London DDPO Hate Crime Partnership to improve Disabled victims experience of recognising, reporting and recovering from hate crime.


Law Commission

Our response to the Law Commission consultation on hate crime legislation – https://www.inclusionlondon.org.uk/campaigns-and-policy/facts-and-information/hate-crime/law-commission-consultation-on-hate-crime-inclusion-londons-response/


Online Harms

Our evidence to the Petition’s Committee for tackling online abuse – https://www.inclusionlondon.org.uk/campaigns-and-policy/act-now/tackling-online-abuse-inclusion-londons-evidence-to-the-petitions-committee/


London Assembly

Our evidence to the London Assembly’s Police and Crime Committee about disability hate crime – https://www.inclusionlondon.org.uk/campaigns-and-policy/facts-and-information/hate-crime/inclusion-londons-evidence-on-hate-crime-to-london-assembly/


Current campaigns

Our Poor Police Response report and campaign on how the police are failing Disabled victims – https://www.inclusionlondon.org.uk/news/poor-police-response-report-disabled-victims-of-hate-crime/



Still Getting Away with Murder report – https://www.inclusionlondon.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/FINAL-Still-Getting-Away-with-Murder-Sept-2020-FINAL.pdf

Report on options for hate crime advocate qualifications — https://www.inclusionlondon.org.uk/news/report-on-options-for-hate-crime-advocacy-qualifications/