Briefing for DDPOs: how tenants can raise housing concerns
Challenging legal decisions, complaint procedures and accessing legal advice
This briefing will give Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DDPOs) an overview of the different methods available to tenants to raise an issue about concerns they have.
In England, there are different ways to complain and raise issues depending on which tenure e.g., social housing, private landlord, owner occupied an individual lives in.
The briefing will also explain some things to consider when choosing any of the options. We include:
• How to raise a complaint
• Ombudsman – what is it and what its powers are
• How to raise the issue with inspectors and regulators
• Legal action
• Collective action – the work of unions to raise issues
Read the briefing
DDPO Briefing – raising tenants’ concerns
Easy read version
1. Challenging Legal Decisions – Intro and Tips (Easy Read)
2. Challenging Legal Decisions – Raising issues with landlords, and complaints (Easy Read)
3. Challenging Legal Decisions – Ombudsmen and Regulators (Easy Read)
4. Challenging Legal Decisions – Legal and Collective Action (Easy Read)