Our response to Mental Health Act reform announcement
“Autistic People will continue to being trapped in hospitals even with the Government’s proposal to limit hospital detention to a 28-day mental disorder assessment.”
Simone Aspis, Free Our People Now Manager, warns the Government that the Mental Health Bill will not stop us from being locked up, abused, tortured, treated inhumanely and left to die in psychiatric hospitals.
The Government has announced major reforms of the Mental Health Act.
The Mental Health Bill will continue to keep Autistic people and people with Learning Difficulties in psychiatric hospitals against their wishes.
Autistic People will continue to being trapped in hospitals even with the Government’s proposal to limit hospital detention to a 28-day mental disorder assessment.
“70% of Autistic individuals has at least one more mental health condition. 40% of Autistic individuals has two or more mental health conditions. 52% of people with a learning disability have a mental health condition. Most of us will end up being assessed as having one or more mental disorders, which are used to justify treating us in hospital against our wishes for a long time. These assessments tend to ignore the real reasons for our mental health distress, which is often connected to other medical conditions and to living without any, good or enough support to have good lives in the community” says Simone Aspis.
Autistic People and those with Learning Difficulties who are in hospital for a mental disorder assessment do not have a right to aftercare services.
“Without the right to aftercare support and services, we are concerned that many Autistic people and people with Learning Difficulties will continue to be on the merry-go-around of being in and out of hospital” says Simone Aspis.
Free Our People Now would welcome a Mental Health Bill that is in line with our UN human rights as Disabled people. This would focus on stopping us being locked up in the first place, and keeping us out of psychiatric hospitals for good.
We need a bill that focuses on giving people with Learning Difficulties and Autistic people the right to the support we need, to live great lives in the community.
Our Bring People Home From Psychiatric Hospital network has created a list of Government Asks, for what we need to see in the Mental Health Bill, to stop us being locked up and help us to thrive in our communities. About Free Our People Now
Free Our People Now is a project led by Autistic people and people with Learning Difficulties, to get us out of psychiatric hospitals.
We are a part of Inclusion London, which is a Deaf and Disabled People-led Organisation (DDPO). We support other DDPOs across London and nationally, and campaign for change.
Simone Aspis, Free Our People Now project manager
Mobile: 07749 892 843
Email: simone.aspis@inclusionlondon.org.uk
Editor’s notes:
The Spectrum website (2024) “What other conditions co-occur with autism?”
Common co-conditions associated with autism | The Spectrum
Rosen TE, Mazefsky CA, Vasa RA, Lerner MD (2018) “Co-occurring psychiatric conditions in autism spectrum disorder.” Int Rev Psychiatry
Co-occurring psychiatric conditions in autism spectrum disorder – PubMed (nih.gov)
Autism Research Institute. Co-Occurring Conditions and Autism – Conditions that occur alongside autism spectrum disorder
Co-Occurring Conditions and Autism – Autism Research Institute
Mental Health Foundation
“People with learning disabilities: statistics”
Statistics on People with Learning Disabilities | Mental Health Foundation
Cooper, S.A., Smiley, E., Morrison, J., Williamson, A., & Allan, L. (2007). “Mental ill-health in adults with intellectual disabilities: Prevalence and associated factors.” The British Journal of Psychiatry
Learning Disability and Mental Health – Mental Health Research | Mencap
Ward, J & Weir, E, Allison, C, Baron-Cohen, S. (2023) “Increased rates of chronic physical health conditions across all organ systems in autistic adolescents and adults.” Molecular Autism
Autistic individuals have increased risk of chronic physical health conditions across the whole body | University of Cambridge
Van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk H, Walsh P N “Managing health problems in people with intellectual disabilities” BMJ (2008)
doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.a2507 (Published 08 December 2008)Cite this as: BMJ 2008;337:a2507
National Autistic Association “Diverse Perspectives The challenges for families affected by autism from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities”
Autism and BAME People | National Autistic Society
Ince R, Glasby J, Miller R and Glasby A (2022) ‘Why are we stuck in hospital?’ Understanding delayed hospital discharges for people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people in long-stay hospitals in the UK’
‘Why are we stuck in hospital?’ Understanding delayed hospital discharges for people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people in long‐stay hospitals in the UK – Ince – 2022 – Health & Social Care in the Community – Wiley Online Library
Dimensions (2021) “Briefing on Mental Health Detention of People who have a Learning Disability and/or Autism”
Dimensions Briefing on Mental Health Detention of People who have a Learning Disability and/or Autism – Dimensions