Welfare Reform
61% of people affected by the social housing size criteria, commonly known as the Bedroom tax, are disabled or have a long term illness or health problem.
Inclusion London’s evidence to inquiry into contracted out health and disability assessments
Inclusion London believes that the Work Capability Assessment should be scrapped. The assessments for both WCA and PIP should be replaced with a system that reflects the social model of disability so that the barriers Disabled people face are acknowledged.
Inclusion London evidence to the local welfare safety net inquiry
Inclusion London responded to the call for evidence for the Work and Pension Select Committee’s Local Welfare Safety net inquiry. The key concerns we raised in our response, based on the evidence from DDPOs, is that some schemes have overly narrow eligibility criteria, are difficult to apply to and do not provide adequate assistance.
Impact of reducing ESA for new claimants in the WRAG – our evidence to Parliamentary Review
Reducing the payments for new claimants in the Employment and Support Allowance Work Related Activity Group (ESA-WRAG) from £102.15 a week to £73.10 is likely to increase the number of Deaf and Disabled people living in poverty and struggling to pay basic household bills.