Laughing Boy consultation response

LB is short for Laughing Boy, the name used online for Connor Sparrowhawk. Connor was a fit and healthy young man, who loved buses, London, Eddie Stobart and speaking his mind. Connor had autism and epilepsy. On the 19 March 2013, he was admitted to hospital (Slade House Assessment and Treatment Unit run by Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust).

Laughing Boy drowned in the bath on 4 July 2013. An entirely preventable death.

LB’s Bill is a way for JusticeforLB to try to change the law. Anyone can be part of LB’s Bill. You do not have to be invited.

A first draft of Laughing Boy’s Bill  (#LBBill) is out for consultation. More information is below and at the website at:

The wording below is taken from the website:

This really is a first draft and we are seeking your thoughts, comments and feedback. The draft will change in response to what you tell us and we will write a new version early in 2015.

The documents are available to download below:

LBBill draft:

About the Bill Easy Read:

What we want the Bill to say, Easy Read:

Please share the documents far and wide, and let us know what you think by:

Email to

Tweet us @JusticeforLB


Inclusion London  responded to the consultation our response is available to download here: Inclusion London Response consultation Laughing Boy Bill

More information on how the campaign started t is available at: