New training materials on socio-economic rights from EHRC
EHRC and the University of Nottingham have produced a series of video tutorials and written materials aimed at civil society organisations, policy makers, academics and those with a specific interest in socio-economic issues.
EHRC have recently produced some resources on socio-economic rights in collaboration with the University of Nottingham.
Economic and social rights have long been marginalised in the UK – in spite of the fact that the rights to housing, work, an adequate standard of living, food, social security, education, water and health are central to human survival and development. To help address this wider lack of awareness and appreciation of socio-economic rights we have produced a series of video tutorials and written materials aimed at civil society organisations, policy makers, academics and those with a specific interest in these issues. They will act as a useful resource for a wide range of national and international audiences who are seeking to improve the implementation of these rights in the UK and beyond.
The videos can be accessed here: