GLA Disability Equality Issues Map
This map aims to give an overview of all the key issues that prevent or affect Disabled Londoners from living, working and contributing as equal citizens across Greater London together with key recommendations as to how the Mayor and the GLA can best address these issues and help ensure London is a city for all Londoners – including London’s 1.2 million Disabled population.
Download the GLA Issues Map (PDF)
Download the GLA Issues Map (Word)
This map aims to give an overview of all the key issues that prevent or affect Disabled Londoners from living, working and contributing as equal citizens across Greater London together with key recommendations as to how the Mayor and the GLA can best address these issues and help ensure London is a city for all Londoners – including London’s 1.2 million Disabled population.
The issues detailed in this map are a result of both historic and systematic discrimination, exclusion and disadvantage Disabled people face across all areas of life and the impact, since 2010, of austerity and welfare reform measures which have had a disproportionate negative impact on Disabled people.
The response by the Mayor and the GLA to this situation needs to be strategic and reflect a Social Model of Disability approach that focuses on the human rights of Disabled people and the removal of the barriers that prevent so many of us exercising our rights