Your right not to be discriminated against
We experience discrimination on daily basis. The Equality Act 2010 protects us from discrimination. Below is a collection of resources which will help you to understand what the law says and how to challenge discrimination when accessing goods and services.
Disability Discrimination pages on the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s website give an overview of how the Equality Act applies to Disabled people
Stammering Law website – a comprehensive collection of factsheets about Disability Discrimination
Resources about Disability Discrimination in specific areas
Your right to information in easy read – a guide for people with learning difficulties developed by Disability Justice Project
Transport, Paulley and the Equality Act – Presentation by Catherine Casserly, Barrister at Cloisters chambers
Disabled People’s Right to Housing: Using the Equality Act – presentation by Catherine Rayner, Barrister at 7 Bedford Row
Discrimination in housing pages on Citizens’ Advice Bureau website
Challenging discrimination when accessing goods and services
A factsheet from Sheffield CAB and Sheffield Law Centre on how to complain about Disability Discrimination. It explains how to complain, what to ask for when complaining and includes a template complaint letter:
A Guide to Complaining about Discrimination in Accessing Goods and Services from Fry law. Fry Law is a law firm that takes discrimination cases on no win no fee basis:
The Disability Attitude Readjustment Tool – a guide for Disabled people who want to sue service providers for Disability Discrimination. The Guide was written by Doug Paulley – a Disabled person, who has taken numerous Disability Discrimination cases to court. The guide includes templates of documents used at different stages of the process.