Mental Capacity Amendment Bill: Act now to prevent the government from weakening our human rights protections

We are holding a consultation event to talk about the proposed amendments to the Mental Capacity Act and to discuss our next steps. DDPOs, Self-advocacy groups, people with learning difficulties or other Disabled people who are interested are welcome to attend.

House of Commons logo

In July 2018 the government introduced The Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill in Parliament.  The Bill will amend the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA).  It will affect the human rights of over three hundred thousand citizens in England and Wales with conditions including dementia, learning difficulties, autism and brain injuries, as well as their families and supporters.

The Bill introduces a new scheme, the Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) to replace the heavily criticised deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS).

We recognise the existing system needs to change, but not in the way proposed by the Bill. We are very much concerned that the Bill weakens the existing safeguards that people have and does nothing to ensure support and care is provided in a way that promotes and maximises Disabled people’s liberty.  In fact the Bill will make it easier to deprive Disabled people of their liberty.  We are also concerned that there has been very little consultation with Disabled people who will be affected by the Bill.

We are working together with People First Self Advocacy, other DDPOs, lawyers and academics to ensure the bill is changed.

We want as many DDPOs, including self-advocacy groups as possible to get involved in this work.  Please let Inclusion London know if you are interested and we’ll keep you in the loop.

Here is what you can do:

Our consultation Event

Date: 3 October 2018

Time: 2-6pm

Where: 336 Brixton Road, London

We are holding a consultation event to talk about the proposed changes and to discuss our next steps.  DDPOs, Self-advocacy groups, people with learning difficulties or other Disabled people who are interested are welcome to attend.

To book a place please email Svetlana at