Holding this government to account – we’re giving evidence to the UN Disability Committee in Geneva
The UK government will be up in front of the UN Disability Committee on the 23 and 24 August answering questions on how far the UK Government is protecting and upholding the rights of Disabled people.
Photo: ROFA Delegates in Geneva earlier this year
Holding this government to account – Inclusion London and Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance (ROFA) members are giving evidence to the UN Disability Committee in Geneva
The UK government will be up in front of the UN Disability Committee on the 23 and 24 August answering questions on how far the UK Government is protecting and upholding the rights of Disabled people and implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
This is the first time the UK has been examined under the UNCRPD since the Government signed up to it in 2009. This routine scrutiny was originally due to take place in 2015 but was delayed due to the inquiry triggered by Disabled People Against Cuts and carried out by the UN disability committee which found reliable evidence of grave and systematic violations of Disabled people’s rights by the UK Government due to welfare reform.
Inclusion London and our sister ROFA organisations are part of a UK wide group of DDPOs going to Geneva to give evidence on the on-going retrogression and violation of our rights and the failure to implement the UNCRPD.
Not going to Geneva? You can still get involved!
- The examination is a good opportunity to raise awareness of the UNCRPD and Disabled people’s rights. Disability Wales, who are part of the delegation, have produced a “A layperson’s guide to: The UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled People” to read and share. This gives a useful run through of the Convention and the Review process http://www.disabilitywales.org/crpd17/ [easy read and BSL versions available]
- The Office for Disability Issues are inviting DDPOs to watch the examination live from inside Caxton House. Download the invitation and details on how to book a place here. Or watch online from wherever you, Wednesday 23 August 3-6pm and Thursday 24 August 10am to 1pm http://webtv.un.org/live-now/watch/18th-session-committee-on-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities/5365960861001
- Join the discussion on twitter using the hashtag #CRPD17. We will be live tweeting during the examination and would love to know your thoughts on how the Government responds to the disability committee’s questions.
- Read the reports associated with the examination including our UK wide civil society submission:http://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/treatybodyexternal/SessionDetails1.aspx?SessionID=1158&Lang=en [scroll down to “United Kingdom”]